We’re been relatively quiet here at brutecomic.com for the last couple of weeks, but that sure doesn’t mean we’re not busy at work. Quite the opposite, we’ve lots of new features and fun to announce.

First off, the website was been revamped. We’ve moved away from a webcomic format to making the collected stories available in .pdf format (and soon in other formats, including print).

So if you go on the site now you can get the entire first story – Supply Run free of charge in one downloadable file. The other stories – Buyer’s Remorse and Living Legend are also available in our brand new ‘Store’ as well as Issue #0 which collects all three into one book.

This is the first time the ‘Living Legend’ story (and Issue #0) have been available so find out what happens to Rose as she confronts the crew of the SMS Samuel Hearne – alone. All issues are 50% off until August!

You’ll also now find character bios live on the site and soon we’ll be adding lots of other features like details on the Brute universe, history, technology and prominent races.

Finally, Owen is already a couple weeks of work into drawing Issue #1! I’ll be sharing more on that in another post but here’s a sneak peak of what to expect: