Denizens of the Brute-Verse


Real Name: Kodee a Kamis

Race: Unknown - unofficially classified as 'Bruin' by Rose Kahn

Height: 2' tall

Weight: 1440 lbs

Birthplace: Undocumented world he calls 'Bru'

History: According to Captain Jerreeecko Brute was a stowaway aboard his vessel, however, Brute tells a very different tale of having saved Jerreecko's life and having been invited to join the crew - a story no one can corroborate.

Profession: Bouncer, pugilist, claims to have been an ice miner on Bru.

Temperament: Good natured, sweet, bold, straight talking, cocky, easily offended and quick to anger.

Abilities: Brute's homeworld is unknown but based on his physical make-up it's gravity is far stronger than life should be able to exist on. Due to the crushing gravity of his homeworld Brute is the strongest being in the galaxy, has incredibly quick reflexes, is extremely dense, nearly impenetrable, and a particularly small stature for his mass (which makes him look far more harmless than he is).Due to the cold climate of his native Bru, water only exists in liquid form along the equator. Therefore bruins have evolved with the ability to generate signigant heat from their palms (and feet), enough to melt ice that’d otherwise be trapped as permafrost. With concentrated effort, by cupping his hands Brute can create a plasma ball of super-charged air.

Like all bruins, Brute is comfortable in temperatures well below freezing, insulated by thick fur and padded feet.

Equipment: Brute wears a belt that is a high tech multi-purpose device similar to a holographic cellphone. It also controls his personal gravity field allowing him to exist in his native gravity, or lowering it so he can make huge leaps.