Vanguard's personal compu-pal assistant who he maintains a love/hate relationship with. Notorious for interjecting when not wanted, and throwing shade at his owner, but too useful to do without.
A wadring (glob) and first to join Jerrreecko's crew. Previously vagabond. Acts as engineer, mechanic and very reluctant bounty hunter (mostly to pay off debts from his compulsive gambling). Owner of an extremely rare living 'omni-weapon' he calls 'Star-Saviour'.
Oviraptor and newest member of Jerrreecko's crew. Former mercenary. Former arms dealer. Former military. Doesn't speak of his past much. Adrenaline addict.
Quarrin helmsman and bounty hunter. Joined Jerrreecko's crew despite his better judgement, largely based on Butch's excellent recommendation - prior to knowing Butch was an idealistic idiot. However Butch's eternal optimism is a good counterpoint to Ubla's cynicism and they've become best friends.
Dzillerton (short) bounty hunter. Fierce combatant, loyal, and optimistic, Butch is a valued member of Vanguard's crew. Notorious womanizer and father of 33 younglings across the galaxy.
Many hired hands have temporarily joined Vanguard's crew for specific jobs, these are the current crew: a bovine (minotaur), a Oothrooproon (millipedian), a porcupinian and Shhatscks , a thisseroid (lizard-like).
Mcmacazorkian maffia kingpin in the Domokan system and Vanguard's biggest bounty yet - IF he can bag him.