Rose's feline friend and near constant companion. A gift when she turned 10, Caesar has been with Rose throughout all her ordeals. He's fiercely protective of his human and has saved her a couple of times. Caesar is a male British Blue, now 12 yrs old (approx 54 cat years). True to his name, he expects to be treated and pampered like a king but he makes the best out of whatever life gives him.
The merchant crabi, Jorj, and his loyal plactori henchman, Linni, enslaved Rose (Brute #1) and she spent four years in their service, virtually never leaving the confines of Jorj's spaceship. Jorj wasn't a harsh owner, and for his part, took good care of his charges - Rose, Linni, Tubbs and Morock. As Linni, Tubbs and Morock have gratefully given up all independence in exchange for Jorj providing for their needs, they cannot comprehend Rose's ingratitude. Rose has a love/hate relationship with them all.
The kayninth restaurant owner, Jarveet, was Rose's first employer and long time friend on Moohoovum Station. An astute business owner who isn't above cutting corners to increase profit, even when it's not technically 'legal', such as exploiting homeless youth for cheap labor. However, Rose is grateful, as he provided room, board and a minimal wage, without restricting her freedom, as long as she put in 10 hour working days. As Rose had little else to do aboard the space station, this was an acceptable arrangement and far superior to sleeping on a public bench, begging for scraps.
A cetacean security officer servicing on Moohoovum Station alongside her partner Officer Ooryelee, took pity of a young, homeless Rose and arranged for Jarveet to look after her instead of charging her for thief and incarcerating her. Over the years Joy would check-in to see how Rose was doing, and occasionally they'd discuss their shared heritage, although neither were born on, nor ever visited Earth.
The xylantarian Dock Master on Moohoovum Station was the first to aid the newly stranded Rose, and remained a friend and acquaintance many years later. The taciturn and reserved Lulumon can come off as gruff and uncaring but he's a good fellow and willing to help out, even if he complains about it.
Rose's mother's brother and his family are Rose's only known living relatives. Little is known of them except that in order to escape the 3rd American civil war they moved to the church-state of Utopia (formerly Florida) where they were indoctrinated into what he called 'The Great Enlightenment'. Supposedly a state of being where money, status, health or security are no longer of any concern and they're greatest purpose is to introduce more people to 'The Great Enlightenment'.